HW Pad Saver, De-Moisturizer system.
Our swabs are made from a proprietary micro-fiber material that will not shed, shrink, or bleed. Insert your H.W. Pad-Saver® into your instrument to instantly wick corrosive moisture from pads, tone holes, and bore, extending the life of the pads and saving money on frequent repairs. Your H.W. Pad-Saver® may be stored inside or outside the instrument. Available for Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Clarinet/Sax Mouthpiece, and Saxophone Neck.
HW Brass Saver
H.W. Brass-Saver® sets have revolutionized the way brass players clean corrosive mineral deposits from the inside of their horns. These amazing brushes can be used wet or dry, they won't get stuck, and unlike the traditional snake, they contain absolutely no metal, so they will not scratch. Their unique design is so flexible, they reach parts of the horn never before accessible. For a consistent sound every time you play, use theH.W. Brass-Saver® set, the ultimate cleaning system for your brass instrument.